Vaccines + prevention = healthy travel

20 November 2013

By Dr Eddy Bajrovic, Medical Director, Travelvax Australia.

The pill: A guide for female travellers

13 November 2013

By Dr Eddy Bajrovic, Medical Director of Travelvax Australia.

Travel doctors get lots of questions from women about taking the contraceptive pill while travelling overseas. I’ll answer the most common ones.

Surviving schoolies: a guide for parents

6 November 2013

Schoolies. For school leavers it’s the let-your-hair-down rite of passage keenly anticipated all year. For their parents, the very word is filled with dread – especially when it involves a foreign country.

Take the long view on travel vaccines

30 October 2013

By Dr Eddy Bajrovic, Medical Director of Travelvax Australia.

Travelling with a chronic illness

23 October 2013

For those living with heart disease, diabetes or some other chronic illness, the prospect of travelling overseas can seem as daunting as climbing Everest.

The relative risks of homecoming holidays

16 October 2013

Returning to your country of origin to visit family and friends may seem like a ‘safe’ travel option. However, these ‘homecoming holidays’ often involve much higher health risks than other types of leisure travel – both for the traveller and the community they return to after their trip.

Giant Hornets: The insect world’s lethal weapons

9 October 2013

Mosquitoes, ticks, mites, flies, fleas, and lice are more than simply annoying. Their bite can pass on serious, sometimes fatal, infectious diseases.

Travelling? Pack plenty of self-reliance

2 October 2013

More Australians are travelling overseas than ever before – 8 million left our shores in 2012. But, too many simply adopt a ‘she’ll be right, mate’ approach to their personal safety and health, and when they get into trouble expect our under-resourced consular service to come to their rescue.

Nipping overseas? Beware of rabies!

25 September 2013

So what, I hear you say, we don't have rabies in Australia.
That's true. But, travel overseas to just about any country and there are lots of reasons to keep this deadly disease in mind.

Did you know:

Before you travel overseas, I challenge you to make a rash decision

18 September 2013

By Dr Eddy Bajrovic, Medical Director, Travelvax Australia.